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  • iconinfo@lmmu.ac.zm
  • iconinfo@lmmu.ac.zm

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University Senate

University Senate

The responsibility for regulating all teaching, research and academic functions of the University is vested in the Senate, as set out in the Higher Education Act of 2013. The Senate serves as the highest academic committee and performs academic senate functions to superintend over the LMMU degrees and awards.


– Vice Chancellor - Chairperson
– Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs) – Vice Chairperson
– Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration)
– Registrar
– University Librarian
– Deans of Schools
– Associate Deans
– Elected representative of academic members of staff (Professors/Associate Professors) x 2
– Elected representative of academic members of staff (Non-Professorial Seat) x 2
– Elected representative of enrolled students at LMMU x 2


This is the highest body for academic affairs. The Senate is responsible for all academic activities which include:
– Approval of final examinations and results,
– Appointment of external examiners,
– Approval of new academic programmes,
– Approval of academic calendars, and
– Convocations of LMMU and affiliate institutions.
– Quality assurance of educational programmes, and
– To promote academic staff development.
